However, there are multiple tools and options available to users to protect PDF documents in Windows and one such tool is PDFEncrypt. PDFEncrypt is a free, open-source native Windows app that allows you to password-protect (encrypt) PDF files for free, without purchasing expensive software. When you use PDFEncrypt to encrypt your PDF documents, the content of the document becomes unreadable without the password. Only a user with the correct password will be able to decrypt and read the content. Below is how to protect PDF documents with a password in Windows using PDFEncrypt.

How to password-protect PDF documents in Windows using PDFEncrypt

As mentioned above, By default, there are no out-of-the-box options to password-protect PDF documents in Windows. However, using PDFEncrypt, one can password-protect (encrypt) PDF files for free, without purchasing expensive software. First, download PDFEncrypt using the link below. You can also use the portable version (without installing) it. Whether you use a full or portable version, once installed or downloaded, run the program and select the document you want to password-protect.

Choose the file Choose the destination after the file is encrypted Generate or type a password to open and read the content Click Encrypt button

To encrypt with additional options, click on Settings. Then choose what other restrictions to include with the documents. After the file is created, a new password-protected (encrypted) version will be saved at the destination provided without changing the original version. You can send the encrypted version via email or other means, knowing that only a person with the correct password will be able to read it. That should do it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to password-protect PDF documents in Windows. If you find any error above or have something to share, please use the comment form below.